One of the big frustrations of life in Zimbabwe has been the supply of electricity. It is irregular and often shut down accidentally or on purpose for hours, days or even weeks at a time. Apart from the frustration of being plunged into darkness it is hard for students to study, especially when lessons are online. You can lose the contents of your fridge, or worse, your deep freeze. If you rely on a borehole, as Tariro House does, you are suddenly without water. The only alternative is your own generator which is expensive.
So, Zimbabwe is going solar. It is clean, efficient and, once paid for, is free. One of the first young men to pass through Tariro House, Tendai Mashora has set up his own company installing solar energy to houses. This weekend he installed it in Tariro House in Harare. Tendai has a basic training as an electrician and then did a full course in finance so he well qualified to run this business. What they save on the state electricity supply will pay off the system in about five years. But from this moment the young people are guaranteed 24-hour electricity.
This is the way the world must go. Zimbabwe, by necessity is leading the way and Tariro is part of this revolution.