As we continue to put God’s commandment of ’loving one another’ into practice, we don’t stop attending the outreach in Mabvuku, Harare. Since the beginning of 2018 we have been enjoying many activities in these outreaches, chief among them is interacting with the families.
Kundai and I are usually assigned to talk to certain families. They tell us the challenges they are currently facing and we record and in areas where we can encourage or advise, we do so immediately. Some even seek health advice from us. But on the past outreach, what inspired us is a story of one O level student who passed his exams with flying colours and is progressing to Lower 6. He has been studying under conditions which were not conducive for studies, with some days going without lighting at night. As members of the task force we feel humbled and thank the Almighty for his grace in the families we are helping.
As we walk with the families during this year, we continue to pray for them and encourage each other. This had positively helped us even in our studies and spiritual lives.