Rebuild broken lives and dreams through faith, hope and unconditional love.

Tariro Youth Project 2018 Diary


  1. Symposium/ Sporting Week. From the 3rd to the 7th of April the extended Tariro family will have a sporting outing at Rest Haven camping site.
  1. On the 2nd of June we will have our Thanksgiving Day. It is on this day that we thank all organisations, groups and individuals who extend their hand in helping TYP in any way. Most importantly we get to thank God for all His blessings he showers on our family.
  2. On August 25 we will have our annual prayer retreat at the prayer mountain.
  3. The TYP Memorial day will take place on the 1st of September. On this day we remember our departed parents and loved ones. We also get to celebrate their lives by updating them on the achievements we will have made in a sacred service in which everyone reads a letter he /she would have written to their parents.
  4. It is in our spirit to enter the festive season floral and reflecting the beauty the baby Jesus had. We do this tradition by having our Christmas Shopping and this year it will be on the 1st of December.
  5. The Christmas party will be on the 8th of December. We will have a celebratory service followed by the singing of Christmas Carols and of course refreshments.
  6. We will kick-start our Christmas with a Braai on the 22nd of December.




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